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The View in my Rearview Mirror

Today I was driving my son to daycare. This isn’t anything new or exciting. It’s mundane and something, that frankly, some days are hard to do. After forcing myself to get up, put some half decent looking clothes on, and put a hat on my head, I have to do the same for two small kids. Wake them up, change their diapers, pick out clothes, dress them, get shoes and jackets on, load up the carseat, give the toddler something to eat on the way there, and finally my car is in drive and heading to school. PHEW! After all of the hustle and bustle in the morning, it’s easy to stare ahead of you, zone out, listen to a morning talk show, and take this version of “me time” for yourself. Today, I decided to do something different. I decided to be intentional with the thirty-minute commute I have with my kids. I turned on worship music and began singing along. Just then, the baby started to cry. My son continued to say, “ah oh”, like he does every time she cries. He tries to calm her down by saying, “sissy, sissy”, and that’s when I hear him say, “Jesus, sissy”. Now, mind you, his “Jesus” is a slurred toddler version of the word, but I still understood what he was saying (#momlife). I repeat what he says, and I tell him that Jesus loves him and his sissy. We continue to listen to worship music and he starts to repeat, “dinosaur” (his current OBSESSION), and “Jesus” or “cheeseus”. I tell him that God made dinosaurs, and he loves that you enjoy learning about dinosaurs. God loves you, God loves your sissy too. As we continue the drive to school I think about how important it is for my children to know how much God loves them. He loves my kids even more than I do! I loved that I had the opportunity this morning to spend some intentional time talking about God’s love to my toddler. Even though he may not understand the fullness and depth of God’s love, I want to speak those words over him. I desire for conversations like this to take place in places like my car and household on a daily basis. It was a good reminder that God gives us so many opportunities to speak life into our kids, we just need to grab hold of them and be intentional. As I look into my rearview mirror today, I see two little faces that were created with purpose. Forget about the mess of crumbs, sippy cups, and blankets that need to be cleaned out of the backseat. God gave me these two blessings in my life and made me a mom for a reason. He loves my kids even more than I do, which is hard to even imagine. How can you speak life into your kids throughout the day? Is it that God created dinosaurs? Is it about how much God loves them? How can you be intentional with your time today, and let your children, family, and friends know that God created them with purpose and loves them unconditionally?

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