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God Just Dropped the Mic

So, have you ever had those moments, when you’re driving in your car, or getting ready in the morning, where you are surrounded by silence? What floats through your head? Your to-do list for the day, your shopping list, what you want for lunch today? Have you ever had God say something to you in those moments? Where its so undenyably clear, that you almost can’t believe it. The words swirl around in your head for hours and your brain lands on it throughout the whole day. That’s what I experienced this morning when I was driving to work. The words were so clear, and they have been ringing through my head all day. The words were:

You are designed to be the person God created you too be, don’t let circumstances fool you.

Boom. Mic drop.

I mean, seriously, those were the words, clear as day, that I heard on my way to work this morning.

Now, if you know me at all, you know that I’ve always been one to believe that circumstances shouldn’t ever define you as a person. You have the power to be and feel however you choose. Life is something that happens to us all. How are you going to live yours? It’s easy to get swept up in society, political opinions, pressures of the world we live in. Hey, it’s as easy as scrolling your finger up and down your phone. We claim to say we are “independent”, “free thinkers”, and of course our opinions matter more than everyone else’. If these things were true, and that’s how we really looked at ourselves, why do so many of us fall into the victim of something or someone? Why do we let the opinions and beliefs of others push our own into a place beneath theirs?

As a Christian, I believe that God created me in His image. He created me for a purpose. I am not a mistake, and he sees a breathtaking and inspiring life for me. I am His. Knowing this, why do I let circumstances of life get in the way? Why do I let opinions of others, pressures from society, political opinions, and my circumstances that surround me every day, take this knowledge and shove it in a ziplock bag for another time? Like it’s being saved for when I need it? I need these reminders every day, not just on the rainy ones.

So, I ask you again, how are you going to live your life? Are you going to sit on something that happened to you 10 years ago, 1 year ago, 1 day ago? Or are you going to acknowledge that this is just the world we live in, but you do not need to accept that as who you are as an amazing, talented, and loved person. It’s taken me a long time to figure this part of my life out. Each day I have to remind myself that I am not just a person floating through this world, sometimes bumping into other people, getting bumped into myself, or falling into a pothole every once in a while. I have a purpose, one that God created me for. Right now it’s being a Godly wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Don’t look back on the things that hurt you, those don’t define you. I am the daughter of the king.

You are designed to be the person God created you too be, don’t let circumstances fool you.

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